Zao Wou-Ki wrote 13.02.62 in 1962

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Zao Wou-Ki wrote 13.02.62 in 1962

Auction Information

Product:Zao Wou-Ki wrote 13.02.62 in 1962


Starting Price:HKD 80,000,000

Transaction Price:HKD 162,926,000


Auction Time:23-Jul-Thu

Auction Company:Sotheby\'s in Hong Kong


13.02.62 was completed on the birthday of Zao Wou-Ki, when the artist entered the peak years of the 1960s at full speed, and launched a three-tier development in Europe, America and Asia. It opened up international popularity as an abstract master of Chinese tourists in France. Its pictures everywhere show boiling emotions, and its strokes are like wild grass, perfectly reflecting the self-confidence and boldness of the artist who is sweeping the world and soaring on the Penglu Road.
After entering the "wild grass period", Zao Wou-Ki rarely named his works again, and only took the creation date as the only reading clue; The birth of "13.02.62" on his birthday is particularly rare and precious, which explains why the artist has changed his habit of using deep colors as the main theme of his paintings, and on this special day, he sprinkles a festive bright red tone, creating a full sense of blessings.