Ranking List of Chang Dai-chien's Works Auction Price

 Auction Information     |      未知    |    2023-06-19 16:24
In the 1950s, Chang Dai-chien traveled around the world and gained great international reputation. He was praised by the western art world as "the brush of the East", and also known as "the painter who copied the most famous paintings in the world". Let's enjoy Chang Dai-chien's paintings and see what achievements he has made in the history of auction?

First place: In 1947, Chang Dai-chien wrote a vertical axis imitating Wang Ximeng's "A Thousand Miles Map of Rivers and Mountains"
Name of the auction: Chang Dai-chien imitated the vertical axis of Wang Ximeng's "A Thousand Miles Map of Rivers and Mountains" in 1947
Lot size: 133.6 × 72.8cm
Auction Company: Sotheby's Hong Kong
Auction date: April 30, 2022
Transaction price: HKD 370495000 (approximately over 320 million RMB)

Second place: Chang Dai-chien made the vertical axis of Taoyuan map in 1982
Name of the auction: Chang Dai-chien made the vertical axis of Taoyuan map in 1982
Lot size: 92x209cm
Auction Company: Sotheby's Hong Kong
Auction date: April 5th, 2016
Transaction price: HKD 270680000 (approximately RMB 237 million)
Third place: Chang Dai-chien made the Autumn Sunlight Map in 1978
Name of the auction: Chang Dai-chien's 1978 Autumn Sunlight Map Mirror Center
Lot size: 88 × 183cm
Auction company: China Guardian
Auction date: December 10, 2021
Transaction price: RMB 195500000

Fourth place: Chang Dai-chien made the frame of Chunyun Xiaoyi in 1968
Auction name: Chang Dai-chien's 1968 Spring Cloud and Mist Mirror Frame
Lot size: 100.5 × 140cm
Auction Company: Sotheby's Hong Kong
Auction date: October 11, 2021
Transaction price: HKD 214631000 (approximately RMB 188 million)

Fifth place: Chang Dai-chien made the vertical axis of Bifeng Ancient Temple in 1967
Lot name: Zhang Daqian erected the Bifeng Ancient Temple in 1967
Lot size: 127.7 × 63cm
Auction Company: Sotheby's Hong Kong
Auction date: May 24, 2021
Transaction price: HKD 209100000 (approximately RMB 183 million)

Sixth place: Chang Dai-chien in 1965 as the Swiss Snow Mountain Mirror Center
Auction name: Chang Dai-chien's 1965 Swiss Snow Mountain Mirror Center
Lot size: 173 × 344cm
Auction Company: Beijing Poly
Auction date: December 4th, 2016
Transaction time: RMB 164450000

Seventh place: Chang Dai-chien, JiaCouple Map, Vertical Axis
Name of the auction: Chang Dai-chien's vertical axis of JiaCouple Map
Lot size: 184.5 × 95cm
Auction Company: Sotheby's Hong Kong
Auction date: May 31, 2011
Transaction price: HKD 191060000 (approximately RMB 167 million)

Eighth place: Chang Dai-chien made Yiwulu Ruixue picture frame in 1969
Lot name: Chang Dai-chien's 1969 Yiwulu Ruixue Picture Frame
Lot size: 101 × 196cm
Auction Company: Sotheby's Hong Kong
Auction date: April 2, 2019
Transaction price: HKD 162665000 (approximately RMB 142 million)

Ninth place: Chang Dai-chien Bingxu (1946) as the vertical axis of the riverbank evening view
Name of the auction: Chang Dai-chien Bingxu (1946) as the vertical axis of the riverbank evening scene
Lot size: 187.5 × 120cm
Auction company: China Guardian
Auction date: December 18, 2017
Transaction price: RMB 132250000
Tenth place: Chang Dai-chien (style) Ladies

Auction name: Chang Dai-chien (style) Lady Painting
Lot size: 130 × 54.5cm
Auction Company: Federal International, USA
Auction date: June 13, 2018
Transaction price: USD 18592000 (approximately RMB 127 million)