Chang Yu made eight goldfish from 1930 to 1940

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Chang Yu made eight goldfish from 1930 to 1940

Auction Information

Product:Chang Yu made eight goldfish from 1930 to 1940


Starting Price:HKD 90,000,000

Transaction Price:HKD 170,170,000


Auction Time:23-Jul-Thu

Auction Company:Hong Kong Christie\'s


The Eight tailed Goldfish was written in the 1930s and 1940s, which perfectly reflects Chang Yu's unique creative perspective, and witnesses that he is skillful in the different artistic styles and aesthetic.

characteristics of the East and the West. The artist uses exquisite techniques to combine simple and refined colors with ink lines, as well as clever spatial layout, which not only follows the thinking and exploration of Western modern art, but also reflects the poetic and aesthetic elements of the East.