Bust of a man by Pablo Picasso in Muran's frame on March 29, 1969

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Bust of a man by Pablo Picasso in Muran's frame on March 29, 1969

Auction Information

Product:Bust of a man by Pablo Picasso in Muran's frame on March 29, 1969


Starting Price:HKD 100,000,000-120,000,000

Transaction Price:HKD 174,950,000


Auction Time:23-Jul-Wed

Auction Company:Hong Kong Christie\'s


The Bust of a Man in a Frame "is one of the representative works of Picasso's classic theme" Musketeers "series. Picasso took the image of a powerful and manly musketeer in the 17th century as the prototype, drawing on the essence of master paintings in the golden age, such as Rembrandt and Vel á zquez, and was inspired by the creation of literary giants such as Shakespeare and Alexandre Dumas.
The main character in the painting has Picasso's dark eyes and a goatee beard, just like Cardinal Cardinal Richelieu, the villain in Alexandre Dumas's famous novel Three Musketeers. Picasso read this masterpiece again in 1966. In this painting, Picasso's Cardinal Cardinal Richelieu is very approachable. His unique hair style and facial features are depicted in rich colors. His sharp eyes and broad collar remind us of the frank and awe power of Rembrandt's Self-portrait.
The painting style of 'Bust of a Man in a Frame' undoubtedly bears the shadow of Vincent van Gogh's works, with rich and powerful, swirling strokes covering the protagonist's collar, head, and top of the hand-painted frame. Picasso cleverly portrayed the trompe l'oeil technique in a modern way by depicting the frame in bright and lively yellow. The frame resembles the magnificent gilded decoration of the Baroque period, while the short and unrestrained black, white, and dark brown strokes exude vitality, reminiscent of the rebellious sunflowers and strong winds blowing over the wheat fields in Van Gogh's works.