Yoshitomo Nara made a wish for world peace in 2014

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Yoshitomo Nara made a wish for world peace in 2014

Auction Information

Product:Yoshitomo Nara made a wish for world peace in 2014


Starting Price:HKD 88,000,000-128,000,000

Transaction Price:HKD 97,090,000


Auction Time:23-Jul-Wed

Auction Company:Hong Kong Christie


Sparkling eyes, telling the theme of peace
Integrating innocence and complexity, individuals and groups, Peace in the World perfectly presents Yoshitomo Nara's extraordinary style: the most representative naughty children smile sweetly and enthusiastically in the painting, and the gradually changing picture creates a translucent visual effect, which evokes a meditative experience from cartoon figures. Although the solemnity of the picture reminds us of the magnificent masterpiece of Mark Rothko, which is similar to it, Yoshitomo Nara shows its complex and exquisite painting skills through the children's sparkling eyes, and draws the audience into the artist's universe vision by floating in colorful color levels. The Peace symbols can be found in the pupil of the girl, which has never appeared in other works of the artist: the Peace symbols is hidden in the right eye, while the left eye is composed of the Christ Cross, the Islamic Star Moon and the Jewish Star of David - representatives of the three most popular religions in the world. Peace in the World is one of the few paintings by Yoshitomo Nara with signs hidden in her pupils.
As one of the few paintings with signs hidden in the pupils, Peace in the World represents the most mature and classic painting exploration of Yoshitomo Nara, and shows the extraordinary description of eyes. These eyes containing the vast universe, which Nara Meiji called "the mirror of soul", sealed the whole picture into a prism, creating a fascinating Parallel universe, marking the artist's transformation from self-expression to social care, thus standing out among contemporary artists. Yoshitomo Nara shows her sophisticated painting skills through her children's sparkling eyes.
The theme of peace is the epitome of all the extraordinary works of Yoshitomo Nara. This master masterpiece perfectly explains the original intention of Yoshitomo Nara's art creation - art is a universal cure. "I have always cherished the desire of 'world peace'." The artist once said frankly, "Today, painting is a private matter, and I believe it should be so. But if a Pacifism paints, I think his belief will naturally be reflected in art."