Zao Wou-Ki wrote 29.09.64 in 1964

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Zao Wou-Ki wrote 29.09.64 in 1964

Auction Information

Product:Zao Wou-Ki wrote 29.09.64 in 1964


Starting Price:HKD 170,000,000

Transaction Price:HKD 278,000,000


Auction Time:23-Jul-Wed

Auction Company:Hong Kong Christie\'s


The 1960s was a new stage in Zao Wou-Ki's creation and an important chapter in his artistic creation and personal life. According to the overall transaction data of Zao Wou-Ki, there was a growing preference in the market for his works after the 1960s, among which the "wild grass period" (1959-1972) was the most popular. This round of "29.09.64", with its grand size and the unique passionate composition of Zao Wou-Ki in the 1960s, made the audience immediately fall into its majestic momentum! It is the best interpretation of this "golden" creation period. The delicate and rapid black and white strokes in the center of the picture perfectly reflect Zao Wou-Ki's profound knowledge of Chinese calligraphy and painting, while the blue sea like the raging sea of sky and sea witness the artist's quest for Abstract art.