Joan Miró, Barcelona Women and Stars, May 7, 1945

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Joan Miró, Barcelona Women and Stars, May 7, 1945

Auction Information

Product:Joan Miró, Barcelona Women and Stars, May 7, 1945


Starting Price:USD 11,000,000

Transaction Price:USD 17,789,300


Auction Time:23-Jul-Wed

Auction Company:New York Sotheby\'s


Women and Stars, painted in 1945, is a collection of themes repeatedly used by Miro. It is another masterpiece after the constellation series, a masterpiece that has influenced the development of art. Miro's painting was during the World War II, so this work to some extent records Miro's experience of war.
Among the works of Miro created in 1945, there is probably no work with more historical significance than Women and Stars. The exact date of completion of this painting was May 7, 1945, when the German Supreme Commander signed the Unconditional surrender in Reims, France, ending the European war. This painting utilizes the struggle between light and dark tones, the coexistence of peaceful and vicious characters, and the balance of lines to showcase the horror of conflict and the hope of freedom, capturing his complex emotions at an important moment in history.