Botticelli's "Young Man Holding a Circular Statue"

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Botticelli's "Young Man Holding a Circular Statue"

Auction Information

Product:Botticelli's "Young Man Holding a Circular Statue"


Starting Price:USD 70,000,000

Transaction Price:USD 92,184,000

Specification:Original size: 58.7cm × 38.9cm

Auction Time:23-Jun-Tue

Auction Company:New York Sotheby\'s


The young man holding a circular statue represents the aesthetic concept of the upper class society in Florence during the Renaissance. The dress worn by the figure in the painting is a fine blue Tunica, whose color was very rare at that time. This is an egg color painting painted on a poplar board.
Botticelli, The Young Man with the Round Holy Image, from the late 1470s to the mid-1980s, the elegant young man in the private collection of The Young Man with the Round Holy Image, dressed in the same pressed velvet cloth as Botticelli's The Portrait of Giuliano de'Medici, with his golden brown hair hanging on his shoulders, reflecting the blue sky outside the window.
But the circular gilded statue he held was placed on a fictional windowsill, seemingly separating the scene from two worlds. The 'circular statue' was painted by Siena painter Bartolomeo Bulgarini (1337-1378) approximately 140 years ago. The bald saint in the painting has a gray and white beard. He takes out a hand from his gray and blue robe and makes a gesture of silence with two fingers (equivalent to placing a finger on his lips now).