Joan Mitchell's Untitled

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Joan Mitchell's Untitled

Auction Information

Product:Joan Mitchell's Untitled


Starting Price:HKD 50,000,000

Transaction Price:HKD 83,350,000

Specification:278 x 199 cm

Auction Time:23-Jun-Tue

Auction Company:Hong Kong Christie\'s


This museum level masterpiece comes from a critical period of Mitchell's artistic career, witnessing the artist's first appearance on the Christie's Asian studio. Joan Mitchell's life and artistic creation underwent numerous transformations in the 1960s. She was famous as a famous abstract expressionism artist in New York in the 1950s, but she did not linger on this fame and chose to move to France.
Not long after, she suffered a series of heavy losses of close relatives. Her father passed away in 1963, her mother passed away in 1966, and her friend and poet Frank O'Hara also passed away in the same year.
The works created by Mitchell during this period can also be considered the most interesting works of his artistic career, and one of them is the wonderful masterpiece "Untitled"
The colorful and free brushstroke of 'Untitled' reflects Mitchell's significant changes in style and emotions.
In the early 1960s, artists suffered greatly in terms of life and emotions, creating a series of "black paintings", with unique and strong emotions expressed in color tones and strokes.
After 1967, her paintings were filled with brighter colors and luster. In "Untitled", the anxious mood was replaced by optimism, and the painting also showed a new vitality, full of power and freedom, blooming with unparalleled vitality.