Xu Beihong's "Autumn Breeze Instantly Painting"

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Xu Beihong's

Auction Information

Product:Xu Beihong's "Autumn Breeze Instantly Painting"


Starting Price:QAR:9,100,000

Transaction Price:QAR: 15,000,000


Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


In this painting "Autumn Breeze Immediately", the horse is immediately handsome and clear, with an extraordinary aura. The precise and concise depiction of the horse's head, neck, and chest, with firm, vigorous, and smooth strokes, vividly depicts the horse's posture, volume, and strength on paper. The curves of the abdomen, buttocks, and mane are full of elasticity and dynamism. The horse's legs are well turned, and the perspective is reasonable. The strokes are like steel knives, penetrating through the back of paper. The changes in color, dryness, and humidity in the picture are natural and interesting. And what sets the painting apart is its magnanimity, grace, and natural composure. The horse has a vigorous and vigorous appearance, with clear bones, high wind and lofty character, as well as intelligence and sensitivity. Its expression is stable like Mount Taishan, as light as the water in the pool, straightforward with atmosphere, and lofty thoughts and feelings. He is not only examining history, but also the creator of history. And this is actually a spiritual symbol of Xu Beihong himself. Immediately, the flat river is only rendered in a light color with a subtle and implicit pen, which complements the generosity, strength, and virtuality of the moment, further showcasing its majestic demeanor.