Li Keran's "Four Seasons Cattle Herding"

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Li Keran's

Auction Information

Product:Li Keran's "Four Seasons Cattle Herding"


Starting Price:QAR:10,500,000

Transaction Price:QAR: 10,500,000


Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Li Keran grazes cows all year round, and cows are his favorite subject. Painters generally do not use too much brush and ink to depict cows and shepherd children, but because they accurately grasp the characteristics of the objects, outline them, and use less to win more, they fully utilize the charm of brush and ink while expressing images. Although the visuals are not complicated, the painter's techniques are still brilliantly displayed, and behind the effortless lifting, there is the painter's meticulous and meticulous skills. In Li Keran's works, there are countless herdsmen and shepherds. He likes the strength of cows, but most of his herdsmen are slow, gentle, and cute; The shepherd boy leisurely lies on the back of the cow, or plays around the cow, playing the flute. The scene often creates a fresh and peaceful atmosphere, just like the simple and natural rural life, which is fascinating. Master Li Keran's "The Four Seasons Screen of Herding Cattle" is a collection specially collected by collectors over the years. It can be combined into a four screen collection, which requires unique vision, strong strength, and a bit of luck. One is indispensable, and similar four screens are rare in today's market circulation. Spring, summer, autumn. In the winter scenery, only the shepherd boy and the ox remain unchanged subjects and echo the changing scenery of the four seasons, embodying the master's understanding of life and deeply embodying the meaning of antiquity. Therefore, it can be inferred that this painting was created by Li Keran when he reached the peak of his artistic career in his later years, which is quite meaningful!