Bronze Gilded Diamond Hand Statue

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Bronze Gilded Diamond Hand Statue

Auction Information

Product:Bronze Gilded Diamond Hand Statue


Starting Price:135,000

Transaction Price:Not Started


Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


本品可谓宝光璀璨,娴静温婉的艺术美感,展现出中原地区特有的审美情趣,主体风格发挥了增光添彩的重要作用,造型更加端庄,装饰更加华丽,整体表现更加完美大方,其美轮美奂艺术表现世间罕有,令人震撼,纯正润美,图纹别致,雕工纯熟,藏锋不露、磨工圆滑,刀法精密,圆润浑厚,不露刀锋,纹饰雕剔装点,极尽华美,夺人珠目,整器造型规矩,端庄大方,稳重典雅,雕工娴熟,刀工细腻,运刀如笔,可谓匠心独运,若非高超的工艺技术,很难达到如此真实的效果,这些优胜特点各有其不同的艺术表现,造型之美使其具足了内在十足的气韵,而工艺之美使之增添了精巧和华丽的外表,通过造型和装饰的巧妙结合,最终实现了内外的完美融合,达到了形神兼备的艺术效果,展现出惊世骇俗的大美艺术风范。This product can be described as shining with precious light, with a serene and gentle artistic beauty, showcasing the unique aesthetic taste of the Central Plains region. The main style plays an important role in adding luster and color. The shape is more dignified, the decoration is more gorgeous, and the overall performance is more perfect and generous. Its exquisite artistic expression is rare in the world, shocking, pure and exquisite, with unique patterns, skilled carving, hidden edges, smooth grinding, precise knife techniques, rounded and thick, without revealing the blade edges, and decorative patterns carved and decorated. It is extremely gorgeous, eye-catching, and the overall shape is regular, dignified and elegant. The carving is skilled, the knife is delicate, and the knife is like a pen. It can be said that if it were not for superb craftsmanship, it would be a masterpiece. Technology is difficult to achieve such a realistic effect, and each of these superior characteristics has its own artistic expression. The beauty of the shape gives it a full inner charm, The beauty of craftsmanship adds a delicate and gorgeous appearance to it, and through the clever combination of shape and decoration, it ultimately achieves a perfect fusion of the inside and outside, achieving an artistic effect that combines form and spirit, showcasing a stunning artistic style.