Ancient Chinese Porcelain: It has become a Hard currency in the world market

 Auction Information     |      未知    |    2023-06-15 15:05
If we talk about Hard currency all over the world, every one of us may think of gold, dollars, even real estate, etc. Benevolent people see benevolence, wise people see wisdom. In my opinion, Chinese porcelain is the real Hard currency in the world. In recent years, the appreciation rate and range of China's official kiln porcelain are amazing, and the official kiln has undoubtedly become the "Hard currency" for investment in porcelain collection.
The selling price of Chinese official kiln porcelain in the international market has increased year by year from 1975 to about ninefold in 1990. Afterwards, the prices hit new highs with the pursuit of collectors from both domestic and foreign classics, and the auction prices of Ming and Qing official kiln porcelain often reached millions, even tens of millions of yuan.
Chinese porcelain has gained recognition from nobles and ordinary people around the world. Comparatively speaking, although Chinese calligraphy and painting are also brilliant, their recognition in the world is much smaller. Major museums around the world may recognize the exquisite calligraphy and paintings of various dynasties in China, but for 99.999% of the Western public, they may not appreciate them at all, let alone understand and collect them.
Western oil painting is one of the foundations of their culture, and now many Chinese people and artists admire it, especially after contemporary art has set a wave of skyrocketing prices in recent years, this trend has become even more intense. However, in the bones of most Chinese people, they still do not value oil painting, at least believing that it is two or three levels lower than traditional Chinese calligraphy and painting, or that it cannot be compared at all.
Chinese jade and furniture also do not have a global recognition foundation, and can only be favored and obsessed by a small number of high-end individuals in the West. Therefore, overall, from the perspective of art, Chinese porcelain is a truly global treasure, loved by Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, and non believers in China.
Chinese porcelain has the breadth, depth, and precision of global market participation. The global Hard currency must have the capacity to handle the global market, just like gold and the dollar. However, in my opinion, Hard currency must not have the capability of batch copying. The US dollar used to be relatively well managed as a global Hard currency, but in recent years, a large number of banknotes have been printed, which has gradually disintegrated as the cornerstone of Hard currency.

The development of modern science and technology has also made the mining and salvage of gold relatively easy, thus gradually reducing its rarity. Of course, the US dollar and gold will still exist as global settlement currencies for a long time. Chinese porcelain, from the Tang Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, created the glory of over a thousand years of world civilization. Despite countless wars and destruction, the quantity and exquisite products passed down are still very considerable.
Most importantly, it is not replicable, which ensures that the cornerstone of Hard currency will not be broken. Some people may talk about the issue of counterfeiting, but when you understand it, counterfeiting is no longer a problem. Of course, it takes decades of tireless learning to understand; Moreover, a global throughput market can easily filter out counterfeit products, so there's basically no need to worry.
Standardization issues. Generally speaking, currency has standardized characteristics, making it easy to trade and identify, such as paper currency and silver dollars. For artworks such as porcelain, standardization is impossible, and the core issue is market pricing. If market pricing is fast and effective, we can say standardization. If the market is mature, this issue will not be so prominent.