Daming Xuande year model Chi ear copper fuming furnace

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Daming Xuande year model Chi ear copper fuming furnace

Auction Information

Product:Daming Xuande year model Chi ear copper fuming furnace


Starting Price:1,000,000

Transaction Price:Not Started


Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


大明宣德三年,明宣宗朱瞻基心血来潮参与设计和监造铜香炉,是中国历史上第一次运用风磨铜铸造的铜器,并在炉底镌着“大明宣德炉”款识,简称“宣炉”。 正是因为宣德炉做工精细,造型美,耗材贵,十分珍稀,从铸造开始,就十分炙手可热。明朝中期已经有很多富豪、收藏家以重金求购宣德炉,到了明朝晚期,宣德炉的价格更高,一件品相完好者,动辄需耗费白银数万两。有极高的收藏价值。In the three years of Xuande in the Ming Dynasty, Emperor Xuanzong Zhu Zhanji participated in the design and supervision of the copper incense burner on a whim, which was the first time in Chinese history that the copper ware was cast with wind-worn copper, and the "Ming Xuande furnace" was inscribed on the bottom of the furnace, referred to as "Xuan Furnace". It is precisely because of the fine workmanship of Xuande furnace, beautiful shape, expensive consumables, very rare, from the beginning of casting, it is very hot. In the middle of the Ming Dynasty, many rich people and collectors sought to buy Xuande furnaces with heavy money, and in the late Ming Dynasty, the price of Xuande furnaces was higher, and if a piece was in good condition, it would cost tens of thousands of silver pairs. It has a very high collection value.