Liao Jin still food bureau white scratch skin bag pan mouth bottle

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Liao Jin still food bureau white scratch skin bag pan mouth bottle

Auction Information

Product:Liao Jin still food bureau white scratch skin bag pan mouth bottle


Starting Price:330,000

Transaction Price:Not Started


Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


此器为辽代尚食局白定划花皮囊盘口瓶,两面随形起线,如缝合皮革的痕迹,可系绳提拿。这件porcelain无论从器形规整程度还是釉色白度,都是皮囊壶中的佼佼者,鲜出其右。是辽代定系白釉porcelain的经典之作,精美遗存。有极高的收藏价值!This is the Liao Dynasty Shang food Bureau white ding scratch skin bag pan mouth bottle, both sides with the shape of the line, such as stitching leather traces, can be tied to hold. Thisporcelain, whether from the shape of the vessel or the whiteness of the glaze, is the best in the skin pot, and it is fresh. It is a classic work of white glazeporcelain of Liao Dynasty and exquisite remains. Has a high collection value!