Qing Qianlong, Blue and White Glazed Red Crane Deer Tongchun Pattern Pankou Bottle

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Qing Qianlong, Blue and White Glazed Red Crane Deer Tongchun Pattern Pankou Bottle

Auction Information

Product:Qing Qianlong, Blue and White Glazed Red Crane Deer Tongchun Pattern Pankou Bottle


Starting Price:1,150,000

Transaction Price:Not Started


Auction Time:24-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd


通体施釉,釉汁丰润,光洁如玉。瓶身主题纹饰“鹤鹿同春”意为“富贵长寿”。施珐琅原料绘苍松鹤鹿纹饰,仙鹿描摹惟妙惟肖,皮毛质感极强,栩栩如生,仙鹤展翅,仙气逼人,寓意吉祥美好。整器施釉老道,构图巧妙,描绘细腻,虚实相生,粉彩发色绚丽,一丝不苟,韵味十足。The whole body is glazed, with a rich glaze and a smooth, jade like finish. The theme decoration on the bottle body "Crane and Deer in Spring" means "wealth, prosperity, and longevity". The enamel material is used to paint the patterns of pine, crane, and deer. The depiction of immortal deer is lifelike, with strong fur texture and lifelike appearance. The immortal crane spreads its wings and exudes a strong fairy aura, symbolizing auspiciousness and beauty. The whole piece is skillfully glazed, with a clever composition and delicate depiction. The combination of reality and virtuality is harmonious, and the pink and white colors are brilliant, meticulous, and full of charm.