copper iron

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copper iron

Auction Information

Product:copper iron


Starting Price:QAR:6,280,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:L:17cm H:7cm

Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


An iron is a common small household appliance in modern households, but it is not the first invention of modern people. More than two thousand years ago, ancient Chinese people had already invented this tool for ironing clothes. According to historical records, irons were originally invented in the Shang Dynasty as a tool of torture, specifically for ironing people's skin. It was not until the late Qin and early Han dynasties that its function was standardized for ironing clothes and has been popular to this day. Before ironing clothes, ancient people placed red charcoal in an iron until the bottom was hot enough to make their hands hot before using it, so it was also called "Huodou". There were also irons called "Beidou", "Jindou", or "Qiaodou". This copper iron is relatively complete as a whole, with the iron mouth in the shape of a monk's hat. The graphics and text on the frame of the copper iron represent peace, wealth, and prosperity, which is a symbol of great wealth and prosperity. The surface of the iron appears in an antique blue black paint color, with a thick coating of paste. This copper iron is designed and produced by imperial craftsmen, carefully crafted. Its shape is simple and elegant, and its color is crystal clear and warm. The surviving ancient copper irons are very rare, and the auction items are well preserved with excellent appearance. It has extremely high collection value and historical significance, and is worth collecting for collectors!