Summary of 2023 Master Works Transaction Records in Habsburg - Modern Calligrapher and Painter "Zhang Daqian"

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Summary of 2023 Master Works Transaction Records in Habsburg - Modern Calligrapher and Painter "Zhang Daqian"

No.1 Zhang Daqian's "Picture of the Giant Clear Peak"
Auction Session: September 30, 2023 Singapore Auction - Calligraphy and Painting Session
Collection specification: 168.5 x 85cm
Starting price: SGD 10790000
Transaction price: SGD 28000000 (equivalent to RMB 150.68 million)
Collection Description: Zhang Daqian's "Imitation of Giant Ran Qingfeng Painting" was created in the mid to late 1940s and was once seen in the "Famous Calligraphy · Zhang Daqian's Early Landscape Painting Special Collection". The exquisite and complex painting can make Giant Ran tie his hands and mountain woodcutters avoid the seats, making it an extremely rare and unforgettable masterpiece after Zhang Daqian entered the artistic maturity period in the 1940s. Zhang Daqian's friend Xie Zhiliu also wrote a postscript on the painting: "The pen of this old friend Zhang Daqian at the age of 49 is extremely rare, and it is a masterpiece of his life. It is rare. In early summer, Xie Zhiliu watched the painting. The seal reads: Xie Zhi, Zhi Liu." This picture imitates Juran, first of all, referring to the use of Juran's skilled long draped hemp brush technique. However, Juran's long draped hemp texture (often painted on silk), although still valued for its smoothness, is mainly characterized by a straight center. The use of a round pen with a center and easy side strokes to split and carve, which is the location of the ancient and new transformation technique in this painting. If long hemp is draped on paper, the water absorption of the paper will create a dry and moist contrast in ink, which can easily create a vast and moist picture. This also opened the way for the Yuan Dynasty ink landscape. Therefore, although this paper version of the "Qingfeng Painting" employs the technique of juran long draped and bald brushstrokes mixed with moss, its brushstrokes are dense and vast, especially the interest of Wang Meng's landscape paintings from the Yuan Dynasty, which are vast and rich. This painting, "Imitation of the Giant Clear Peak," is a highly representative masterpiece of Zhang Shi, who was skilled in repairing the inn road and secretly crossing the old granary, resembling the ancient and the new, integrating the ancient and opening up the present.

No.2 Zhang Daqian's "Rui Xue Tu in Yiwulu"
Auction Session: December 16, 2023 Qatar Auction - Calligraphy and Painting Session
Collection specification: 101 x 196cm
Starting price: QAR 18900000
Transaction price: QAR 20000000 (equivalent to RMB 39.46 million)
Collection Description: This painting is a gift he gave to his old friend Zhang Xueliang's daughter Zhang Luying. The Zhang Luying family lived in the Bay Area of California at that time, and the two families often came and went. The so-called "Yiwulu" refers to the Lu Mountain in Liaoning, where the ancestral temple of Zhang Xueliang's family is located. The entire painting is two meters wide and one meter high, sprinkled with ink and lapis lazuli green, allowing it to flow freely, forming mountains and dense forests. And apply white powder to make snow in the pine forest on the mountaintop. The entire picture is almost entirely flowing with ink and wash colors. Between light and shadow, it is naturally formed, brilliant yet profound. In this carefree and unrestrained way, there is a longing for home and a deep affection for friends.
No.3 Zhang Daqian's "Autumn River Wild Duck Painting"
Auction Session: December 16, 2023 Qatar Auction - Calligraphy and Painting Session
Collection specification: 64 x 29cm
Starting price: QAR 11000000
Transaction price: QAR 18000000 (equivalent to RMB 35.51 million)
Collection Description: "Autumn River Wild Egret Painting" is a Chinese ink painting by modern painter Zhang Daqian, created in 1947. This work depicts the scenery by the river in autumn and showcases the admiration for nature and life in traditional Chinese culture. Zhang Daqian is an outstanding painter and art master in the history of modern Chinese art. His works have a unique style, emphasizing the expressive power of brushwork and the concise and lively form. The Autumn River Wild Egret Painting is one of his representative works, which uses concise brushstrokes and composition to depict the natural scenery by the river in autumn and the agility of wild egrets.


No.4 Zhang Daqian's "View of Emei from afar in Qingcheng"
Auction Session: June 24, 2023 Dubai - Calligraphy and Painting Session
Collection specification: 146 * 81cm
Starting price: AED 8520000
Transaction price: AED 9200000 (equivalent to RMB 18.02 million)

No.5 Zhang Daqian's Painting of a Lady Holding a Fan
Auction Session: December 16, 2023 Qatar Auction - Calligraphy and Painting Session
Collection specification: 66 x 34.5cm
Starting price: QAR 5800000
Transaction price: QAR 6000000 (equivalent to RMB 11.83 million)
Collection Description: Zhang Daqian (1899-1983), originally named Zhengquan, later renamed Yuan, nicknamed Ji, also known as Ji Yuan, also known as Daqian and Daqian Jushi, was from Neijiang, Sichuan. Zhang Daqian came from a scholarly family. In the 1950s, he traveled around the world and gained a huge international reputation, earning him the praise of "the pen of the East" in the Western art world.

No.6 Zhang Daqian's "Lotus Fragrance Painting"
Auction Session: June 24, 2023 Dubai - Calligraphy and Painting Session
Collection specification: 138 * 69cm
Starting price: AED 4260000
Transaction price: AED 5000000 (equivalent to RMB 9.79 million)
Collection Description: This artwork is painted on specially made ribbed paper in the Great Wind Hall. Da Qian used the phrase "the wind of a gentleman is as clear and pure as lotus" to describe it, praising its nobility. Throughout his life, he sang countless praises of lotus. Daqian Huahe studied at the Eighth National University in his early years. And Shi Tao's shallow crimson technique had a profound impact on him. He once said, "The flowers, vegetables, and fruits of Qingxiang are particularly meaningful and elegant, without falling into the white sun and green vine nests... First, apply ink, then cage the shallow crimson, covering the mountain water technique." Fu Shen pointed out in more detail in his article "Da Qian and Shi Tao": "Da Qian's ink lotus... is actually a combination of the eight lotus leaves and Shi Tao's lotus flowers. Obtaining qi from the eight major and rhyme from Shi Tao, so one can form their own family. Ignoring this secret, when painting lotus from Da Qian, one can only understand its appearance.".
”The composition of the picture is majestic, with lotus leaves echoing unevenly, and harmony can be seen in the contrast; The large ink colored lotus leaves and slender lotus stems interweave and intersect, complemented by pointed small lotus flowers. In contrast to the blooming large lotus flowers, they rise and fall one after another, overwhelming the eyes. Zhang Daqian even used a clear and beautiful brush to swing several long cattails, making the picture exceptionally vivid, with clear layers and a strong sense of rhythm overall. The white petals are dyed with heavy ink on the tips, making the lotus flowers extremely vivid and awakening. He began to re-examine tradition and modernity, blending Eastern and Western artistic traditions once again, effortlessly sprinkling them into the world of ink and color, constantly striving for self transcendence.


No.7 Zhang Daqian, Hidden Green Mountain in the Night
Auction Session: September 30, 2023 Singapore Auction - Calligraphy and Painting Session
Collection specification: 110 x 40cm
Starting price: SGD 990000
Transaction price: SGD 1500000 (equivalent to RMB 8.07 million)

No.8 Zhang Daqian's Lotus
Auction Session: June 24, 2023 Dubai - Calligraphy and Painting Session
Collection specification: 135 * 54cm
Starting price: AED 1300000
Transaction price: AED 2000000 (equivalent to RMB 3.91 million)
No.9 Zhang Daqian Flower
Auction Session: September 30, 2023 Singapore Auction - Calligraphy and Painting Session
Collection specification: 72 * 36cm
Starting price: SGD 160000
Transaction price: SGD 350000 (equivalent to RMB 1.88 million)




Event Name: Habsburg 2024 Singapore · China Collection Art Auction


Auctioneer: Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


Collection deadline: May 10, 2024

Auction location: Banquet Hall, 4th Floor, Convention and Exhibition Center, Marina Bay Sands Hotel, Singapore