Tianzi style Doucai Kui dragon patterned lid jar

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Tianzi style Doucai Kui dragon patterned lid jar

Auction Information

Product:Tianzi style Doucai Kui dragon patterned lid jar


Starting Price:AED:4,800,000

Transaction Price:No Deal


Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


In the Huaduai, the most famous word jar. Write a word“Days” on the bottom of the jar. In the Qing file written“Into the kiln word jar.”. Tin word jar is very famous, high status, is the royal porcelain. The bronze and porcelain decorated with the kui-shaped pattern represent the supreme authority and dignity. This kind of Ware is well-preserved and has a high value-added space for collection