Blue and white entangled branches and floral patterns large lid jar

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Blue and white entangled branches and floral patterns large lid jar

Auction Information

Product:Blue and white entangled branches and floral patterns large lid jar


Starting Price:AED:10,150,000

Transaction Price:No Deal

Specification:H:67cm C:32cm B:30cm

Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co., Ltd.


The blue-and-white pot is large in volume and round in shape. The main decorative patterns of this vessel are twining flowers, and the decorative flowers are all over the body of the jar, displaying a beautiful demeanor. In addition to the abdomen of the large area of twining flowers, the shoulder and lower shin painted a large complete lotus pattern, the neck wall is decorated with a single circle of grass pattern. The white glaze of the whole body of the pot is tender and full, and the blue and white patterns are dark blue. Fetal bone thick, circle foot exposed, tough and delicate texture. On the shoulder, there are six-character models of“Xuande year of Daming”, the font is square, the strokes are strong, the collection value of the machine.