Zao Wou-Ki wrote 18.11.66 in 1966

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Zao Wou-Ki wrote 18.11.66 in 1966

Auction Information

Product:Zao Wou-Ki wrote 18.11.66 in 1966


Starting Price:HKD 68,000,000-88,000,000

Transaction Price:HKD 114,440,000


Auction Time:23-Jul-Thu

Auction Company:Hong Kong Christie\'s


18.11.66 defined Zao Wou-Ki's ten years of brilliance in his art career with full enthusiasm and vitality, and witnessed Zao Wou-Ki's peak in art and personal level in the 1960s. From the deep and quiet blue to the mild and round Turquoise color, the artist takes the different shades of blue as the dominant color, and the wild dark strokes construct the layout of the whole painting. In addition, the overlapping fine bright white strokes reflect a very dramatic scene on the screen. The large amount of ink around the edge of the frame leaves enough space in the center of the picture to form a delicate stroke arrangement to express the temporal changes of the universe.
Such dynamic composition is the projection of Zao Wou-Ki's inner intense emotions. As he said in his autobiography Self-portrait, painting can effectively alleviate the energy of inner closure. Zao Wou-Ki brings the viewer to a new realm of unconstrained and pure spirit, which is free from vulgarity. Only through abstract carriers and the mastery of inner strength can they enter.