Claude Monet, Argenteuil Basin

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Claude Monet, Argenteuil Basin

Auction Information

Product:Claude Monet, Argenteuil Basin


Starting Price:USD 15,000,000-25,000,000

Transaction Price:USD 27,840,000

Specification:54x73.2 cm

Auction Time:23-Jul-Wed

Auction Company:Christie\'s in New York


Fran ç ois de Boe, Rouen City
Durand Ruhr Gallery, Paris (purchased from the above collection on January 22, 1989)
Albert Chapentier, Paris (purchased from the aforementioned collection on February 7, 1936)
Carlos Alamayo, France (probably inherited from the above collection in about 1962)
The late collector of the Wilton Stein Company in New York purchased from the aforementioned collection on June 15, 1983