Jahard Richter's 1991 abstract painting 747-1

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Jahard Richter's 1991 abstract painting 747-1

Auction Information

Product:Jahard Richter's 1991 abstract painting 747-1


Starting Price:HKD 128,000,000-166,000,000

Transaction Price:HKD 140,400,000


Auction Time:23-Jul-Wed

Auction Company:Hong Kong Christie\'s


The series of works of Abstract Paintings are thick, detailed and romantic, but they also have a complete resonance with the audience in the poetic lyric tone by means of extremely harmonious colors, which reminds us of the rich and fragrant works of European Classicism masters such as Titian and Rubens, and also reminds us of the deep and melancholy spiritual notes such as Roskow. In this piece, the red color chosen by Richter has accumulated a long artistic history, making the viewer's heart surge. From the clay red ochre used in the earliest cave murals to the red square in Malevich's Suprematism paintings, red has emotional power different from any other color in the color spectrum. It is the color of love and also points to life and death; It can symbolize warnings, cries, appeals or temptations, as well as happiness, success, good luck, and wealth. It is the color of Venice during the Renaissance and also the color of revolution - red has always been a highly symbolic and timeless color, enduring and enduring.
A series of works such as "Abstract Painting" represent the pinnacle of Richter's painting creation. Broad and rich pigments sweep across the surface of the canvas, breaking through the superficiality of the surface of the canvas to reveal the mysterious structure hidden under it, completely breaking the Dichotomy of abstract and concrete painting. Richter is recognized as a master among 20th century artists due to his breakthroughs and innovations in painting. This piece showcases Richter's exceptional painting skills to the fullest, and this magnificent masterpiece undoubtedly opens up the infinite possibilities of painting in the context of modern art.