Chang Yu wrote "Lilies on a Red Background" in the 1940s

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Chang Yu wrote "Lilies on a Red Background" in the 1940s

Auction Information

Product:Chang Yu wrote "Lilies on a Red Background" in the 1940s


Starting Price:HKD 80,000,000

Transaction Price:HKD 100,325,000


Auction Time:23-Jul-Wed

Auction Company:Hong Kong Christie\'s


Chang Yu's "Lilies on a Red Background" was created in 1940. Flowers, animals, and women are the three main themes of Chang Yu's life. According to the complete collection of Chang Yu's works, he only created three paintings with lilies as the theme, one of which was only passed down, and the other with a dark green background. Lily on a Red Background "is the only masterpiece of lily vase flowers with a brilliant red background, which is even more rare.