Daisy and Poppy Flower by Van Gogh

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Daisy and Poppy Flower by Van Gogh

Auction Information

Product:Daisy and Poppy Flower by Van Gogh


Starting Price:USD 50,000,000

Transaction Price:USD 61,765,000

Specification:65 x 50 cm

Auction Time:23-Jun-Tue

Auction Company:New York Sotheby


Van Gogh completed this work at the home of Dr. Paul Garcia, and he ended his life a few weeks later. The painting "Daisies and Poppies" showcases the passionate and sincere emotions of Van Gogh, a creative genius. It can be considered the pinnacle of his short and brilliant artistic career and is one of the few works Van Gogh sold during his lifetime. Daisies and Poppies "was created by Van Gogh in June 1890.
Daisies and Poppies "has the power of freedom and fanaticism, and the flowers in the painting come from the field where he attempted to commit suicide a few weeks later. His iconic creative technique was to express his mental state through the use of bright wild flowers at that time
Poppy flowers are like a blazing flame, and Van Gogh transforms the tormented pain of life into intoxicating beauty. In "Daisies and Poppies", Van Gogh outlines white round tables and simple pottery jars with clean and concise lines, with a light green background, red poppy flowers, purple and white daisies forming the main color tone of the picture.
Exquisite layout, agile brushstrokes, and flowing lines create a visually appealing image, with the vibrant vitality of blooming flowers vividly appearing on the paper.
Daisy and Poppy "is hailed as one of the few outstanding Van Gogh works on the set in recent years.