Zhao Wuji wrote 15.02.65 in 1956

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Zhao Wuji wrote 15.02.65 in 1956

Auction Information

Product:Zhao Wuji wrote 15.02.65 in 1956


Starting Price:HKD 50,000,000

Transaction Price:HKD 77,500,000

Specification:97 x 195 公分

Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Sotheby\'s in Hong Kong


In 957, Zhao Wuji left Paris for New York and entered the global avant-garde artistic and cultural core that emerged after the war. Under Sulaki's introduction, he got to know the founder of Kurtz Gallery, and through Kurtz, he got to know many leaders of American abstract expressionism.
American abstract expressionism embodies the spirit of freedom, freedom and innovation in American culture. Inspired by this spirit, Zhao Wuji thus comprehended a new interpretation of Eastern culture and changed his painting style.
The collaboration with Kuz Gallery marks the beginning of Zhao Wuji's "Wild Grass Era", and the representative work nurtured by this collaboration is "15.02.65".
The rapid and surging lines of wild grass rush into the picture from both sides, intersecting and conflicting in the center, while the bright yellow tone lights up the picture like golden light, creating a magnificent and galloping work.
Looking closely at '15.02.65', it seems that through the wild brushstrokes, one can see the young and energetic Zhao Wuji standing in front of this huge canvas, picking up his brush and engaging in a creative struggle with ease.
This work was exhibited as the most important work at the 1965 Zhao Wuji Kurtz Gallery solo exhibition, and Kurtz Gallery, which rarely had printed catalogs, also produced promotional leaflets using this work for this exhibition; In the archives of Kurtz Gallery collected by the Smithsonian Institution, we can find many precious pictures of Kurtz Gallery taking 15.02.65 as a record.