Peter Doig did country rock in 1999 (rearview mirror)

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Peter Doig did country rock in 1999 (rearview mirror)

Auction Information

Product:Peter Doig did country rock in 1999 (rearview mirror)


Starting Price:HKD 75,000,000-98,000,000

Transaction Price:HKD 75,202,000

Specification:194.9 x 270 cm

Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Sotheby


Country Rock (Rearview Mirror) "is one of Peter Doig's most familiar works. This work depicts a rainbow tunnel next to a river valley garden road, and presents a unique perspective through the rearview mirror of a car. It is a representative work of the aesthetic visual symbols of Doig's films. The work blends memory and imagination, reality and dreams, as well as eternity and present, and the picture is filled with an indescribable sense of mystery.
Country Rock (Rearview Mirror) depicts the landmark Rainbow Tunnel next to the Valley Garden Road in Toronto, Canada, from the perspective of the passenger seat of the vehicle. This scene is definitely not unfamiliar to local residents - this "rainbow" hangs over the tunnel next to the Dang Valley Garden Road built in 1961, and the six lane highway has now become the main thoroughfare entering and exiting Toronto.
The rearview mirror exposed in the lower left corner of the screen allows the viewer to enter the view and angle of this painting, as if we are sitting next to the driver's seat, and the country rock mentioned in the title is the background music played on the way.