Picasso's "Doramar"

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Picasso's "Doramar"

Auction Information

Product:Picasso's "Doramar"


Starting Price:HKD 100,000,000

Transaction Price:HKD 169,420,000

Specification:60 x 45.5 cm

Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Sotheby\'s in Hong Kong


In 1939, while Europe was on the brink of war, Picasso completed this painting of "Doramar" with a bold bright red background and a blue dress. The beautiful woman in the painting is the artist's lover and muse of the 1930s and 1940s - Doramar
The bright red background of this work represents the burning passion, while Mare wears a proud expression. In the work, she holds her cheeks and exudes a mysterious, profound, noble, and elegant temperament. Her clothes with a strong sense of design stand out, making people want to see the full picture of the clothes. In the painting, the structure of the clothes gathering towards the middle like buds is full of vitality and tension.
Mare's facial features have a strong infectious power, with deep and spiritual eyes staring directly at the audience. In the semi abstract contour lines, this work displays an irresistible beauty and strong emotional power. This work not only expresses Bi Weng's emotions towards his female partner Mare, but also uses their turbulent love story to metaphorically depict the tense situation during the wartime era, achieving a profound meaning from both personal and social perspectives.
Among Picasso's numerous paintings depicting Dora Mare of the same period, this painting stands out because the woman's face in the painting is no longer fragmented, relatively complete and clear, and has a relatively intuitive beauty of simplicity. The rich and intense red background is even more unique. Where does it come from and where does it extend?