George Saura's "The Moulds (Small Edition 1)" 1859-1891

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George Saura's "The Moulds (Small Edition 1)" 1859-1891

Auction Information

Product:George Saura's "The Moulds (Small Edition 1)" 1859-1891


Starting Price:

Transaction Price:USD 149,240,000

Specification:39.3 x 50 cm

Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Christie


This was completed in Sula's studio. "Sunday Afternoon on Jack Island" is hanging on the left wall. Three models are arranged in front, back, and side, with some still life scattered inadvertently in front.
But upon closer examination, it can be found that in this painting, Sula deliberately arranged a corner of the studio. Due to the slanted sense of space and rigorous composition, a stable tension appeared in the picture.
After rejecting the naturalistic painting method of Impressionism, Sula innovated her own painting method, which was consistent with modern idealism. He himself also participated in the symbolism avant-garde and explored the science of color theory in depth. He once wrote: his goal is to establish "a painting method that belongs to me." Sula was fascinated by originality. He invented the dot painting technique: drawing with independent dots; This technique gives his image an unchanging quality. In the contemporary scenes he depicts, the characters are all close to sculptures, just like the scenes on the crossbeam carvings of ancient buildings. All of this is combined with pure colors and strong realism.
The model in this composition may be the same model observed from different perspectives, or three different girls posing at the same time. It seems that the artist wants everyone to think about the reality of the separation between art and life.
After the death of Sula at the age of 32, works like this have been praised by his followers and admirers. The most famous one is the neo-impressionism painter Sienek. Sula has always been one of the most influential artists in France in the late 19th century.