Paul Sainte's "Mount Saint Victor" 1888-1890

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Paul Sainte's "Mount Saint Victor" 1888-1890

Auction Information

Product:Paul Sainte's "Mount Saint Victor" 1888-1890


Starting Price:

Transaction Price:USD 137,790,000

Specification:65.2 x 81.2 cm

Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Christie


The Saint Vittorial Mountains stand tall in the history and modern art history of this corner of southern France. Paul Cézanne's name is inseparable from this natural landmark. In the 1880s, he worked in the suburbs of his hometown of Provence, painting an authoritative sequence of landscapes that depicted a panoramic arc of a valley extending eastward to the distant San Vitovar Mountains. These iconic landscapes now constitute the first continuous visual confrontation between Cezanne and this towering mountain peak.
Saint Vitovar is not only a striking theme, but he has repeatedly returned to this theme in his persistent pursuit of artistic enlightenment. Saint Vitovar has become a part of Cezanne's identity and a true talisman deep within him.
The painting of 'la Montagne Sainte Victoire' from 1888 to 1890 can be traced back to the end of this group, when the artist had moved away from the more classic composition of the early 1880s and instead depicted a more radical and abstract landscape concept.
This work presents an unobstructed mountain view, filled with a spectacular visual drama, and Cezanne revolutionizes the use of color. Countless layers of strokes vibrate on the canvas, creating the perspective and depth of the scene. This painting is one of the most vivid works in this series of colors, reflecting the artist's meticulous observation and skilled skills.