Vincent van Gogh's Orchard with Cypress 1853-1890

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Vincent van Gogh's Orchard with Cypress 1853-1890

Auction Information

Product:Vincent van Gogh's Orchard with Cypress 1853-1890


Starting Price:

Transaction Price:USD 117,180,000

Specification:65.2 x 80.2 cm

Auction Time:23-Jun-Sat

Auction Company:Christie


On February 20, 1888, Vincent van Gogh arrived in Arles and discovered that the small town of Provence was covered in snow. This is the artist's first experience of southern France. The place he imagined was Promised Land, a Utopia. He believed that it would be like Japan, a country that fascinated him. He also hopes to establish a colony of artists, known as the "Southern Studio," which he hopes will attract other like-minded artists to the region.
Although Van Gogh's vision of an art community was never realized, his move to the South marked the beginning of an artist's mature career. During his fifteen months in Arles, his works changed from the Impressionism style of Paris treatment to the colorful, often pasted and increasingly expressive paintings, and he is now famous for it. He worked at an intensive pace and created a large number of paintings and sketches, which was one of the best works of his short and extraordinary career as an artist.
One of the most shocking phenomena of Van Gogh's career in Arles was his reshaping of his transformation behavior, "Richard Kendall wrote. If his time in Paris was profound, the photos he took there could be said to be extraordinary because of their breadth and scale of experimentation, diversity in themes and completion, and personal differences. However, after spending a few weeks in Provence, Van Gogh had established consistency in execution and clarity in formal means, defining his creative personality from then on. Classic images came one after another, which was truly impressive Observing (Van Gogh: Masterpiece of the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, exch. cat., National Gallery, Washington, D.C., 1998, p. 90).
Verger avec cypr è s was painted in the spring of 1888, shortly after the artist arrived in Arles. This painting belongs to the landmark canvas series of fourteen paintings depicting flowering orchards, and is Van Gogh's first major work in the South