Qing Qianlong's Western Colored Brilliant Red Vase with Imperial Inscription on the Wall

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Qing Qianlong's Western Colored Brilliant Red Vase with Imperial Inscription on the Wall

Auction Information

Product:Qing Qianlong's Western Colored Brilliant Red Vase with Imperial Inscription on the Wall


Starting Price:GBP:2,200,000

Transaction Price:GBP:5,200,000


Auction Time:24-Jan-Tue

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Limited Corporation


Yangcai is an artistic treasure that emerged from the exchange and interaction between the Qing Dynasty and Western culture in the 18th century. It is the official name for the use of Western painting techniques to depict colored porcelain in the Qing Dynasty during the Yonggan period. The poem delicately depicts an elegant atmosphere of summer youth enjoying incense in the palace. The exterior is adorned with blush and floral patterns, with ears protruding from the neck. The colors are brilliant and rich, the paintings are meticulous and neat, and the craftsmanship is unparalleled. The white glazed ink color is paired with rouge, purple, and foreign colors, creating a strong contrast that makes the entire piece comfortable and harmonious, with alternating shades.