Qing Qianlong's rouge red ground powder colored entangled branch lotus pattern ribbon gourd bottle

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Qing Qianlong's rouge red ground powder colored entangled branch lotus pattern ribbon gourd bottle

Auction Information

Product:Qing Qianlong's rouge red ground powder colored entangled branch lotus pattern ribbon gourd bottle


Starting Price:GBP:1,800,000

Transaction Price:GBP:950,000


Auction Time:24-Jan-Tue

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Limited Corporation


The body of the gourd is fine, the glaze is smooth, and the image of the gourd is full. The outer layer is made of rouge red glaze as the base, which is extremely festive. The belly of the gourd is painted with precious flowers, surrounded by tangled branches and supplemented by bat patterns. The waist is decorated with a circular pattern and the edge is gilded. Near the feet, there is a deformed lotus petal pattern, and the foot wall is painted with golden curly grass patterns. The ears are made into a Ruyi shape, decorated with gold powder on the edges, with a Ruyi white background and blue and white flowers, giving off a refreshing aura. The silk ribbon wrapped around Ruyi is made of ceramics, with a beautiful and smooth curve, as if it falls naturally.