A pair of clear gemstone blue glazed golden blooming pine, bamboo, and plum heart turning bottles

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A pair of clear gemstone blue glazed golden blooming pine, bamboo, and plum heart turning bottles

Auction Information

Product:A pair of clear gemstone blue glazed golden blooming pine, bamboo, and plum heart turning bottles


Starting Price:GBP:160,000

Transaction Price:GBP:280,000


Auction Time:24-Jan-Tue

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Limited Corporation


The neck of the bottle is connected to the inner sleeve of the bottle, and can rotate on the hollow outer screen, base, and foot composite bottle shaft. The bottom of the outer bottle has a chicken heart shaped button, while the bottom of the inner bottle has a chicken heart shaped groove. The button and groove must be absolutely matched, and its firing difficulty and process level requirements are very high. Especially, it is important to consider the drying rate of the outer and inner bottles, as well as to control the shrinkage rate after firing. If you don't pay enough attention and cause the buttons and grooves to not match, even if you put in too much effort beforehand, it will be in vain. In addition, the hollow pine, bamboo, and plum patterns on the outer bottle also need to be balanced in the composition to avoid deformation and collapse of the bottle body during the firing process. Therefore, the cost of making rotary bottles is very high, often one in a hundred.