Qing Qianlong Green Space Gold Color Carved Bronze Pattern Double Series Zun (One Pair)

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Qing Qianlong Green Space Gold Color Carved Bronze Pattern Double Series Zun (One Pair)

Auction Information

Product:Qing Qianlong Green Space Gold Color Carved Bronze Pattern Double Series Zun (One Pair)


Starting Price:GBP:2,400,000

Transaction Price:GBP:390,000


Auction Time:24-Jan-Tue

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Limited Corporation


The mouth is slightly pursed, the neck is short, the shoulders are full, the belly is short and round, the abdomen is closed, and the legs are curled outward. Apply turquoise green glaze to the inner mouth and feet. The outer wall is coated with green glaze, and the shoulders are symmetrically decorated with ears facing the sky. Decorate from the mouth to the feet with string patterns around two edges, auspicious cloud head patterns, double curved banana leaf patterns on the outer edge, lotus covering patterns, circle dot patterns, twisted tail Kui dragon patterns, cicada patterns, Yingluo patterns, upward lotus patterns, and circular patterns. The raised glaze depicts a golden color. Seal script with the inscription "Made in the Qianlong reign of the Qing Dynasty" printed inside the circle.