Ba Da Shan Ren Shan Shui Wan

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Ba Da Shan Ren Shan Shui Wan

Auction Information

Product:Ba Da Shan Ren Shan Shui Wan


Starting Price:SGD:7,920,000

Transaction Price:SGD:9,500,000


Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Ba Dashan Ren (approximately 1626-1705) was one of the famous "Four Painting Monks" in the early Qing Dynasty painting world. Originally named Zhu Tong, later named Zhu Da, also known as Xuege, Geshan, Renwu, etc., the name "Ba Da Shan Ren" was used from 1684, and the font size was not used before. Ba Da Shan Ren is a brilliant superstar in the history of Chinese painting. He is renowned in China and even in the world for his innovative painting. The art of Ba Da Shan Ren has influenced generations of outstanding artists. After him, famous painters such as Qi Baishi, Zhang Daqian, Pan Tianshou, and others in modern times have been influenced to varying degrees. In 1985, Ba Da Shan Ren was named one of the top ten cultural figures in ancient China by the United Nations Science and Technology Organization.