Ode to autumn by Yu Zuo

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Ode to autumn by Yu Zuo

Auction Information

Product:Ode to autumn by Yu Zuo


Starting Price:SGD:93,400

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:L:180cm W:68cm

Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


"Ode to Autumn" is a classic work of Feng Shui calligraphy and painting by Mr. Yu Zuofu. The mountains in the upper part of the painting are arranged in the direction of the dragon veins in the Book of Changes Feng Shui, with the dragon head, body, and tail from left to right. The upward movement of the dragon head in the painting signifies prosperity, harmonious development, and eternal stability of the country. From a small perspective, it represents the prosperity, harmony, and unity of the family, and the prosperity of both people and wealth.