Giuseppe Castiglione's Painting of Horses

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Giuseppe Castiglione's Painting of Horses

Auction Information

Product:Giuseppe Castiglione's Painting of Horses


Starting Price:SGD:18,500,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted


Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


This painting was created by Italian missionary Lang Sning, an imperial painter of the Qing Dynasty. It uses Western oil painting techniques to focus on light and elegant colors, and the changes in the brightness and darkness of the color tone. It vividly portrays the structure and volume of horses, which is vivid and lifelike. Unlike Chinese painting, which uses lines to shape the appearance of horses and uses fine brushstrokes to paint fur and mane. Furthermore, the muscles and blood vessels in the neck and legs are portrayed, questioning the authenticity and vividness of the painting. The painting features multiple imperial seals, eulogies, and records from the Qing Palace archives. In March of the eighth year of the Qianlong reign, the treasurer, Lang Zhengpei, presented a jade statue and painted ten large paintings of ten horses with Lang Tuning, without the need for a set to be presented to the public. This is a highly acclaimed work.