Long volume of A Dream of Red Mansions by Sun Wen of Qing Dynasty (two volumes in total)

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Long volume of A Dream of Red Mansions by Sun Wen of Qing Dynasty (two volumes in total)

Auction Information

Product:Long volume of A Dream of Red Mansions by Sun Wen of Qing Dynasty (two volumes in total)


Starting Price:SGD:1,840,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:Two rolls in total: Volume 1 and Volume 2. Single roll size: L: 8.8m H: 29cm

Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


According to research by relevant scholars, Sun Wen was born in 1826 in Fengrun, Hebei Province, with the courtesy name Runzhai and the courtesy name Bianyang Jushi. He painted the painting "Dream of the Red Chamber", which began in Dingmao (1867) during the reign of Emperor Tongzhi of the Qing Dynasty and lasted for 36 years until Guimao (1903) during the reign of Emperor Guangxu. This persistence and persistence are truly admirable. Some researchers also believe that the eighty chapters of this album were painted by Sun Xiaozhou, who is also a wealthy person and a younger generation of Sun Wen, with much greater fame than Sun Wen. Further research is needed to determine whether these "Dream of the Red Chamber" paintings were created by Sun Wen alone or by two individuals. However, it is generally believed that the entire "Dream of the Red Chamber" painting was conceived by Sun Wen, and most of it was created by him. Sun Xiaozhou may have participated in some of the creations, but the main focus is still on Sun Wen's creative achievements. Therefore, people still commonly refer to them as the complete "Dream of the Red Chamber" painting by Sun Wen.