Wang Shimin created a replica of various landscape albums in 1647 (10th edition)

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Wang Shimin created a replica of various landscape albums in 1647 (10th edition)

Auction Information

Product:Wang Shimin created a replica of various landscape albums in 1647 (10th edition)


Starting Price:SGD:2,390,000

Transaction Price:SGD:3,200,000


Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


This book is mixed with the brushwork of various schools. The four colorists and the six ink brushstrokes, with their brushstrokes full of vigor and vitality, are the remnants of the Song and Yuan dynasties, leaving no trace of hair. They should be the personal collaboration of Yan Weng in his prime. According to Yang Buchang's postscript after the completion of this book, it is known that Yan Ke immediately entrusted his son Wang Kuiyong to keep it as a treasure and passed it down as a family heirloom. The works passed down by the Four Kings in the early Qing Dynasty are the rarest among them, and are mostly stored in national cultural and museum institutions, scattered among the people like stars and phoenixes.