A scroll of national treasures passed down from generation to generation

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A scroll of national treasures passed down from generation to generation

Auction Information

Product:A scroll of national treasures passed down from generation to generation


Starting Price:SGD:420,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted


Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


"Top Ten Inherited Famous Paintings of China" "The Top Ten Inherited Famous Paintings of China" is one of the ten immortal monuments in the history of Chinese art, and one of the ten great masterpieces in the history of Chinese civilization. It carries the unique artistic temperament of the ancient Eastern ethnic group, and records the long history of China for five thousand years and the beautiful rivers and mountains spanning thousands of miles with colors. The top ten famous historical figures have been renowned for thousands of years, achieving exquisite and legendary calligraphy. They are precious treasures in the imperial palace and are highly sought after by emperors. After experiencing numerous wars and scattered across the world, they are now treasures of the four major museums in China. In 2020, to solemnly commemorate the 600th anniversary of the establishment of the Forbidden City, Chinese artists carefully selected and approved 10 famous paintings from tens of thousands of inherited national treasures, and used them as the blueprint for the Qingjiaotai Palace Emperor's Treasure Collection. Two chairpersons of the Artists Association were invited to spend 5 years together to create a 17 meter "Inherited National Treasure Scroll", which will be publicly released in limited quantities worldwide, in order to forever remember this historical moment.