Qing Dynasty glazed gold cover jar (Buddha's eye-catching sutra)

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Qing Dynasty glazed gold cover jar (Buddha's eye-catching sutra)

Auction Information

Product:Qing Dynasty glazed gold cover jar (Buddha's eye-catching sutra)


Starting Price:SGD:500,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:H:18cm C:10.6cm B:13.8cm

Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


A utensil refers to a vessel or handicraft made from colored glass materials. The predecessor of the pottery can be traced back to the glass firing and casting art of the Han and Wei dynasties. The production of what we now refer to as "pottery" began in the Yuan dynasty, and after development and improvement in the Ming dynasty, it reached its peak in artistic achievement in the Qing dynasty. During the Qing Dynasty, porcelain utensils gained the love of Kangxi for their beautiful shape and bright color. The antique collection porcelain was specially set up by the Production Office, which was then called "Imperial Glass". This Qing Dynasty utensil "Buddha Says Eyesight Sutra" features a gold covered jar with a height of 18 centimeters and a bottom diameter of 13.5 centimeters. Straight mouth, full shoulder, wide flat bottom, with a Qianlong era production on the bottom. The design is neat and full, with a crystal clear and transparent texture, especially pure under light, and the appearance is intact as before. Cover with a depiction of a golden lotus flower, and the jar depicts two lotus flowers that emerge from the mud and remain untainted. Next to them is a depiction of a golden Buddha's vision Sutra: With a thousand hands and a thousand eyes, Avalokitesvara, with two eyes resembling golden lamps. A tower to the west of the Buddha's seat, where the Tathagata holds a scripture. Manjushri Bodhisattva rides a lion, while Samantabhadra Bodhisattva rides an elephant king. My eyes are like heaven. The demon within the person, the demon in the eyes, and the mist in the eyes wears away. The inner membrane of the human body, the inner membrane of the eyes, and the clouds and mist in the eyes disappear completely. People are wise in their hearts, their eyes are bright, and the points in their eyes are all bright. Someone can recite the Sutra with keen eyesight. Throughout life, the eyes are bright. Peacock Mingwang's spiritual induction ensures peace for Guanyin Bodhisattva. The items are well preserved and have extremely high collection value and historical significance, making them worth collecting for collectors!