Northern Song Dynasty Ding Kiln Scribed Eight Ridge Large Bamboo Shoot

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Northern Song Dynasty Ding Kiln Scribed Eight Ridge Large Bamboo Shoot

Auction Information

Product:Northern Song Dynasty Ding Kiln Scribed Eight Ridge Large Bamboo Shoot


Starting Price:SGD:1,300,000

Transaction Price:SGD:1,300,000


Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


The fetal texture is delicate, with eight petal patterns and a plump and dignified shape. The curved wall is deep in the abdomen, the wide mouth is inward sloping, and the lower abdomen is slanted. The edges are subtle, and the body undulates along the edges. The bowl is carved with peonies blooming, the knife technique is sharp and freehand, and the comb cuts the muscles and veins, elegant and delicate. Underneath the leaves, the arched flowers spread out as if swaying in the wind. The lines are beautiful, with a few strokes, lively and interesting. The inner wall has eight petals, all of which are self engraved with lotus patterns, with slightly different meanings. The flowers are gentle, the lotus leaves are appropriate, and simple and elegant. The flat bottom is neat and solid, with no intention of repairing the tire and leaving marks, like a crescent moon hanging in the sky. Full body glazed single awned mouth, old inlaid copper buckle. The surface of the vessel is bright and smooth, with a tooth white color that is pleasing to the eye and elegant. The gathering places are like tears, but the color is slightly darker. After thousands of years of wind and frost, it is as simple as before.