Ming Hongwu Longquan Kiln Green Glaze Engraved Jade Pot with Entangled Branches and Peony Pattern Spring Bottle

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Ming Hongwu Longquan Kiln Green Glaze Engraved Jade Pot with Entangled Branches and Peony Pattern Spring Bottle

Auction Information

Product:Ming Hongwu Longquan Kiln Green Glaze Engraved Jade Pot with Entangled Branches and Peony Pattern Spring Bottle


Starting Price:SGD:410,000

Transaction Price:SGD:410,000


Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


This jade pot spring vase is like this, with similar patterns that can be seen in blue and white and underglaze red jade pot spring vases of the same period. But upon closer inspection of this product, deep and shallow strokes, distinguishable light and dark, and three-dimensional effects show how skilled the craftsmen were at that time