A set of works by Huang Yongyu

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A set of works by Huang Yongyu

Auction Information

Product:A set of works by Huang Yongyu


Starting Price:QAR:231,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:L:46cm W:46cm

Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


On June 13, 2023, pen names Huang Xingbing, Huang Niu, and Niu Fuzi. Born in Changde County, Hunan Province (now Dingcheng District, Changde City), with ancestral roots in Fenghuang County, Hunan Province. Tujia people. Academician of the Chinese Academy of Painting, Professor at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, and former Director of the Printmaking Department. Member of the Chinese Artists Association.