Zhang Daqian's "Huanxi Sha"

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Zhang Daqian's

Auction Information

Product:Zhang Daqian's "Huanxi Sha"


Starting Price:QAR:120,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:L:129cm W:65cm

Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Zhang Daqian (May 10, 1899- April 2, 1983), born in Neijiang, Sichuan Province, with ancestral roots in Panyu, Guangdong Province, was a Chinese ink splasher, calligrapher, and one of the founders of the "Dafengtang School". He was one of the most legendary ink splashers in the 20th century Chinese painting world and was praised by the Western art world as the "brush of the East". Zhang Daqian has made remarkable achievements in landscape painting, combining art style with calligraphy, and integrating heavy colors and ink wash. Among them, splashing ink and splashing color have created a new artistic style. Due to his poetry, calligraphy, and paintings being on par with Qi Baishi and Pu Xinshe, he is also known as "Southern Zhang and Northern Qi" and "Southern Zhang and Northern Pu". Along with Huang Junbi and Pu Xinshe, they are known as the "Three Families of Crossing the Sea".