Blue and white intertwining lotus with eight treasures pattern and animal pavilion

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Blue and white intertwining lotus with eight treasures pattern and animal pavilion

Auction Information

Product:Blue and white intertwining lotus with eight treasures pattern and animal pavilion


Starting Price:QAR: 600,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:B:22cm C:20cm H:50.6cm

Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


This blue and white lotus eight treasure patterned beast face paving statue has a curled mouth and neck, shoulders outside, a round belly, circular feet, and animal face paving on both sides of the neck. Therefore, some people call it the beast face paving statue: because it resembles a covered bowl, others also call it the covered bowl paving statue. The theme decoration is intertwined with branches and lotus to support the Eight Treasures, also known as the Eight Auspiciousness. The edge decoration is made of seawater lotus petals, with two ears of blue and white bamboo on the ground.