Qing Qianlong Blue and White Dragon with Peony Pattern Plum Vase

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Qing Qianlong Blue and White Dragon with Peony Pattern Plum Vase

Auction Information

Product:Qing Qianlong Blue and White Dragon with Peony Pattern Plum Vase


Starting Price:QAR: 880,000

Transaction Price:QAR: 880,000


Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


The bottle mouth is slightly curled, with a short neck and ample shoulders, gradually narrowing below the shoulders to the circular feet. The whole body is decorated with blue and white patterns, the neck is decorated with banana leaf patterns, the abdominal theme pattern is dragon piercing peony patterns, and the bottom of the bottle is inscribed with the seal script style of "Made in the Qianlong Year of the Qing Dynasty". The dragon's body curls up and walks among the flowers, waving its teeth and claws, with its head raised and majestic. Its mouth, eyes, horns, hair, and long whiskers are all vividly depicted, with sharp teeth exposed. Its body is hidden in the flowers, while the tangled flowers follow the dragon's curves and undulations. Blue and white are beautiful and elegant, shining exceptionally brightly.