Ming Dynasty Jiajing Blue and White Five Claw Double Dragon Yellow Colorful Ruyi Cloud Pattern Cover Jar

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Ming Dynasty Jiajing Blue and White Five Claw Double Dragon Yellow Colorful Ruyi Cloud Pattern Cover Jar

Auction Information

Product:Ming Dynasty Jiajing Blue and White Five Claw Double Dragon Yellow Colorful Ruyi Cloud Pattern Cover Jar


Starting Price:QAR: 150,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:H:39cm W:36cm C:17cm B:20cm

Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


This object has a round mouth, a short straight neck, round shoulders, and a bulging belly. The abdomen gradually retracts, and the bottom is concave with a circular foot. It comes with an umbrella shaped cover and is adorned with a blue and white lotus bud pearl button. There are 16 blue and white decorations around the cover, and the blue and white script inside the circular foot is a six character double line regular script made in the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty. The tank body has a blue and white glazed bottom, with yellow and auspicious patterns throughout the body. The blue and white five clawed twin dragons are soaring in the clouds, with a agile and vigorous posture, powerful and domineering, agile and free spirited, and a strong visual impact. This vessel has a dignified and atmospheric shape, outstanding appearance, and unique decoration. It belongs to the royal family and highlights the royal power. It is a typical imperial artifact of the Jiajing period and has extremely high collection value.