Yongzheng Enamel Colorful Ten Thousand Flowers Never Falling to the Ground Twelve Zodiac Golden Feet Cup

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Yongzheng Enamel Colorful Ten Thousand Flowers Never Falling to the Ground Twelve Zodiac Golden Feet Cup

Auction Information

Product:Yongzheng Enamel Colorful Ten Thousand Flowers Never Falling to the Ground Twelve Zodiac Golden Feet Cup


Starting Price:QAR: 440,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:H:10.2cm C:8×5cm

Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


"Ten thousand flowers do not show", also known as "ten thousand flowers do not fall", is a technique of expressing the color on porcelain glaze. It refers to the combination of pink and gold colors. Colorful flowers fill the entire picture without revealing the porcelain background or the branches of the flowers. Wanhua is like a heavenly maiden scattering flowers, floating in the air, hence it is called "Wanhua does not fall to the ground". Porcelain is full of flowers, with various colors and shapes. Palace painters use different shades and depths to depict the flowers of this piece, and use the yin-yang backward method to make the flowers and leaves more vivid, both in form and spirit, each with its own unique charm. It can be said that although "ten thousand flowers" are numerous, they have a distinction between primary and secondary, dense but not disorderly, with a strong sense of hierarchy, exuding unparalleled artistic charm, giving people a sense of beauty that comes face to face and is dense but not breathable. During the reign of Emperor Yongzheng, it was the heyday of social development in the Qing Dynasty, and he made significant achievements in the field of art. The Jingdezhen Imperial Kiln Factory gathered a generation of famous masters and craftsmen, and its quality reached the pinnacle of history. Therefore, there was a rare set of Yongzheng enamel cups, which were made in large quantities and handed over to the Imperial Kiln Factory for firing. These twelve zodiac golden foot cups are exquisitely shaped, colorful, rich in patterns, intricate in craftsmanship, and are rare in the world. They are breathtaking!